
walking bus 步行巴士

分类: 实用英语 
A walking bus is a large group of kids who walk to and from school, supervised by two or more adults and considered as a healthy and environmentally-friendly option. A group of volunteer parents organize themselves to take their turn in chaperoning the children, one filling the role of the driver, who leads the group, and the other the conductor, who follows at the back. Like conventional buses, walking bus have designated 'bus stops' (places on the route to school where children can wait to be collected) and scheduled 'pick-up times'.步行巴士(walking bus)指一群孩子在两个以上大人的护送下步行上下学的方式,被认为是一种健康又环保的出行方式。参与“步行巴士”的家长会自发组织起来轮流护送孩子们,一名大人会充当“司机”的角色走在前面带领整个队伍,另外一名则充当“售票员”跟在队伍后面。而且,“步行巴士”和传统的巴士一样也设有“车站”(沿途可以让孩子们加入步行巴士的地点)和“接站时刻”。The walking bus idea originated in the United Kingdom, and the expression has been in general use there since 2004. Walking bus initiatives have proved extremely popular and effective in the UK. More recently, walking buses have gained a level of popularity in the United States, Australia and New Zealand.“步行巴士”这一理念来自于英国,而walking bus这个表达自2004年起就开始广泛使用了。目前,这一做法在英国已很普遍,而且证实卓有成效。近几年,在美国、澳大利亚及新西兰等国也开始得到一定认可。

