
Self-service library 自助图书馆

分类: 实用英语 
Self-service libraries  are becoming increasingly popular with Beijing residents, with 50 having sprung up across the city over the past year and 100 more are expected to open in the coming months. 自助图书馆受到北京市民的欢迎。过去一年间,已有50台自助图书馆出现在北京街头;未来数月内,还将安装100台。 上文中的self-service library就是“自助图书馆”,self-service指顾客自行取用、自己服务自己的情形,比如:self-service restaurant(自助餐馆),self-service grocery(自选杂货店)等。 据介绍,这些自助图书馆都位于北京highly populated areas(人口密集的地区),提供24-hour service(24小时服务),极大方便了读者。 那么我们借此来回顾一下图书馆借还书的常用表达吧。“借书”为borrow a book,“还书”为return a book;如果有本书在到期时还没看完,想“续借”就可以说I want to renew this book。询问“借期”则可以说How long can I keep this book。

