
The Internet of Things 物联网

分类: 实用英语 

The Internet of Things was the 'it' word for 2013, it concisely summed up the act of devices being more interactive with users. The Internet of Everything expands that idea. The Internet of Everything is described as something that brings together people, data and things, to create networked connections that turns information into action. So rather than just connecting devices (like the Internet of Things), the Internet of Everything connects, well, everything.

物联网(the Internet of Things)是2013年的潮词,它是对各类设备与用户间更多互动行为的精确总结。万物网(the Internet of Everything)将这一理念扩大。万物网指将人、数据和事物汇聚在一起,然后创建成一个相互关联的网络把信息转换为行动。因此,除了(像物联网那样)简单将设备连接起来以外,万物网将所有事物都连接在一起。

From the connected lounge room to internet-enabled fridges, from the smart TV to the watch that keeps your Tweets up-to-date, technology has evolved to such a point that you could throw a dart in almost any direction and hit an internet-connected "thing".


