
energy-saving haircut 节能发型

分类: 实用英语 
An energy-saving haircut is a mainly short haircut that would reduce power consumption regarding hair driers or water. 节能发型是一个可以减少吹风机和水的能源消耗的短发。 The Japanese government has called on companies and households to drastically reduce the amount of energy they consume after the Fukushima nuclear plant was destroyed. A Japanese company is taking the national campaign to reduce power consumption to extremes by prescribing an energy-saving haircut for all the staff。  自从福岛核电站遭到破坏以来,日本政府一直呼吁各公司和家庭大幅减少能源消耗。而日本一家公司把这项减少能源消耗的全民运动推向了高潮:规定所有员工的发型都要剪成“节能型”。  Construction firm Maeda Corp. has requested that its 2,700 staff adopt identical hairstyles - the men a short back-and-sides but slightly longer on top and the women a "cute" bob with a longer fringe that can be swept to one side。  日本前田建筑工业株式会社要求其2700名员工都剪成相同的发型。男员工要将脑后及两侧的头发剪短,头顶的头发可以稍微留长一点;女员工都要把头发做成可爱的“波波头”,但可以把刘海斜向一边。  "Our company is very keen on protecting the environment and we encourage our staff to adopt many environment-friendly actions. We believe if people have short hair they do not need to use their hair driers for so long and they will use less water," said Chizuru Inoue, a spokesman for Maeda Corp. Another advantage, she said, is that it is easier to make short hair neat again after staff have been wearing hard hats and sweltering on construction sites。Other companies have introduced power-saving schemes, including shifting production to weekends and at night。 前田建筑发言人井上千鹤说:“公司十分注重环境保护,我们鼓励员工采取环保行动。我们相信,如果人们都剪短发,他们就不会长时间使用吹风机,洗头也不用那么多水了。” 她同时表示,施工现场的员工都得戴着闷热的安全帽,而短发有利于他们及时整理好发型。还有一些企业也把节约能源消耗提上日程,包括将生产时间改到周末和晚上。

