
weapon of mass distraction 大规模分散注意力武器

分类: 实用英语 

Weapon of mass distraction refers to something that distracts large numbers of people from thinking about important issues.

Weapon of mass distraction(大规模分散注意力武器)指能够把大量人群的注意力从某个重要问题上移开的事情。

Weapon of mass distraction is a pun-perfect play on weapon of mass destruction. The latter phrase (in its plural form) was voted word of the year for 2002 by the American Dialect Society.

Weapon of mass distraction这个表达是对weapon of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器)一词完美的双关演绎,后者(通常用复数形式)曾被美国方言协会选为2002年的年度词汇。

For example:

For a few hours at least today, the heat will be off George W Bush as America switches focus from Baghdad to San Diego. Maybe the Super Bowl will be the weapon of mass distraction that Bush has been praying for.


