
an exodus of independent directors 独董的离职潮

分类: 实用英语 

A total of 229 officials at provincial or ministerial level have been told to quit companies where they hold concurrent posts, according to government figures released on Wednesday.

根据政府部门周三公布的数据,共有 229名在公司兼职的省部级官员被告知需从公司离职。

官员在企业兼职(holding concurrent posts)曾经是相对普遍的一个现象,不少上市公司(listed companies)都会邀请官员担任企业的独立董事(independent director)、独立监事(independent supervisor)或者外部董事(outside director)。

去年10月,中央组织部《关于进一步规范党政领导干部在企业兼职(任职)问题的意见》的规定,现职和不担任现职但未办理退(离)休手续的党政领导干部一律不得在企业兼职(government and Party officials who are currently in office or not in retirement are banned to hold concurrent posts in companies);退(离)休的党政领导干部在业务范围以外企业兼职必须符合规定并经过严格审批,且不得领取报酬和各种名目的补贴(retired officials working for companies unrelated to their previous positions must obtain relevant authorities' approval and should not receive any kind of payment or subsidies from the companies)。

该《意见》发布后,不少公司都出现了官员独董的“离职潮”(an exodus of independent directors)。

