flags will be at half staff 降半旗
分类: 实用英语
French President Francois Hollande announced, during his brief televised declaration on Wednesday evening, Thursday, Jan 8, is a mourning day all over France, and flags will be at half staff for three days, for all the victims of Charlie Hebdo attack.
文中的mourning day就是指“哀悼日”。为了悼念逝者,有时我们还会对逝者进行“默哀”(silent tribute)。如今,对逝者进行网上悼念(online tribute)也是颇为流行且环保的一种memorial service(悼念仪式)。除设立哀悼日外,法国还将连续三天“降半旗”(flags will be at half staff),以表达哀悼之情。
法国警方和特种部队已对嫌犯展开大规模搜捕(stage a huge manhunt)。据最新消息,三名嫌犯中最年轻的一名嫌犯已向警方投降(surrender to police)。袭击事件发生后,成千上万法国人加入临时集会(impromptu rallies),对袭击事件予以谴责和抗议,对遇难者表示哀悼。法国政府随后把巴黎地区安全警戒提升至最高级别(highest state of alert)。