
banquet redline 饭局红线

分类: 实用英语 

The new banquet redlines clearly stipulate which kinds of banquets and dinners officials are forbidden to attend, which will not only reduce the wasting of taxpayers' money, but also shrink the breeding ground for corruption.


“作为反腐行动(anti-graft campaign)之一,杭州纪委要求官员在聚餐前要清楚"和谁吃","在哪吃",尤其是"谁买单"的问题(know clearly the participants and restaurants and especially who pays the bill)。丽水也出台规定,明确了20钟官员不能参加的宴请,其中包括公款吃喝(banquets using public funds)、上下级吃请(banquets between higher and lower level officials)等。

各类饭局和商务宴请为官商勾结(collusion among officials and businessmen)提供了便利,是滋生腐败和以权谋私的温床(become a breeding ground for corruption and abuse of power)。在正常商务聚餐和动机不纯聚餐之间有一个灰色区域(gray zone),因此一些官员钻规章制度的空子(take advantage of the vagueness of regulations)大行违法乱纪之事。如今“饭局红线”越来越清晰,领导干部们,还约吗?

