
dual authorship 联名发表

分类: 实用英语 

The dual authorship of an academic paper by an 18-year-old high school student and her monther has sparked a controversy. The papers show that the mother, a professor of Marxism at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in Wuhan, is the secondary author. 


网民称母亲帮女儿以第一作者身份(the first author)发表论文,是为了让她获得两所当地高校的自主招生入围资格(to be qualified for independent recruitment in two local universities)。面对质疑,母亲辩解称,孩子出生于书香之家(was born and bred in a well-educated family),有能力写这个文章。

虽不能一口断定高中生就写不出这样的论文,但公众对此事提出质疑,并掀起对学术道德的讨论(raise controversies and doubts about academic ethics)也很正常。要回应质疑高校应对该学生的学术能力进行客观考核(obliged to get the student's real research capability validated)。如证实造假,还应追究其母的学术不端(academic misconduct)行为。

