
strategic focus 战略定力

分类: 实用英语 

Chinese President Xi Jinping has highlighted the role of reform in China's adjustment to the "new normal," saying reform is the recipe for boosting development and China should maintain its "strategic focus."


“战略定力”用英文strategic focus表示,是指具有决定性意义的战略任务(strategic task)。保持战略定力指的是,针对经济发展放缓(slowing economic growth),不能自乱手脚,既要探索方法有所作为,但也要稳得住。Strategic指战略性的,如战略伙伴关系(strategic partnership),战略性资源(strategic resources)等。

考察期间,习近平指出,路总是有的,路就在脚下(there is always a path out, and the path is lying at our feet),关键是要通过变革打通道路,释放经济发展潜力(unleash economic potential)。习近平希望浙江努力在提高全面建成小康社会(moderately prosperous society)水平上更进一步。 

习近平强调要加强对党员干部(party cadres)的法治教育,“三严三实”(three stricts and three honests)专题教育要突出问题导向,贯彻从严要求。三严三实指的是严以修身、严以用权、严以律己(being strict in morals, power and self-discipline),谋事要实、创业要实、做人要实(being honest in decisions, business and behavior)。

