parade blue 阅兵蓝
分类: 实用英语
According to a report by the environment protection authority, Beijing's PM2.5 index remained excellent for six days from Aug 20 to Aug 25, and the media has called the blue sky in Beijing during this period "parade blue".
为迎接纪念抗日战争及反法西斯战争胜利70周年阅兵,北京从8月20日开始启动了包括机动车单双号限行(an alternate-day ban on cars with even and odd numbered license plates)、工业企业停限产、土石方施工工地停工等空气质量保障措施,近期效果初显,北京出现了“阅兵蓝”(parade blue)。
“阅兵蓝”的说法源于去年11月初的“APEC蓝”(APEC blue),当时也是采取了一系列减排措施,包括周边城市工厂停产(suspend production by factories in neighboring cities)、北京及周边城市上路机动车减半(cut the number of motor vehicles on road by half in Beijing and neighboring cities)等,人努力天帮忙(effort and luck),北京出现了蓝天。