
professional snuggler 职业陪睡师

分类: 实用英语 

The joy of sleeping with a beautiful partner -- and we mean the sleeping part -- is something many of us don't get to experience on a regular enough basis.


But what about the ladies? Do they get to enjoy the wonders of sleeping next to a hot guy enough in their busy lives? It seems the answer is yes, since there is a job called a soine-shi -- a professional snuggler.


One such ikemen "hunk" version of this little-known trade is Kaede Ichijo, a 24-year-old snuggler who visits the apartments of Japanese girls in their thirties to help "heal" them through enjoying a drink together. And then they lie down on the futon for some one-on-one shuteye time.

这一行当鲜为人知,现年24岁的小帅哥Kaede Ichijo便是此行的“型男”陪睡师,他造访三十几岁的日本女生,与她们同饮,帮她们“疗伤”。尔后,他们叠躺在一起共眠。

There's no "extras" but Kaede Ichijo offers the client his arm, and she snuggles up to him for some rest. 

但没有“其它额外”的服务了, 不过Kaede Ichijo会伸出臂膀,让客户蜷缩在旁休憩。

