
boss crush 老板错爱综合症

分类: 实用英语 

Boss crush refers to the situation when an executive falls for someone, loses all judgment, refuses to listen and ensures that trouble will follow.


The syndrome, which is a major character flaw of some of the world's finest managers.


A version of this was played out recently between David Cameron and Camila Batmanghelidjh. The prime minister developed a crush on the mesmerising, rainbow-turbaned head of Kids Company; large quantities of cash were shovelled into her charity; civil servants asked questions, but nothing happened -- until things went so spectacularly wrong the plug had to be pulled.


Like real love, the boss crush is blind. Worse than that, once the boss has publicly singled out the love-object as worthy of promotion, his pride is on the line. The crush object simply has to be good; nothing else will do. All warning signs are ignored, the truth only outs when it is too late. Then the after-effects of the crush are brutal -- the former loved one is treated to rage and disdain and usually in the end is fired.


