
tree-climbing course 爬树课程

分类: 实用英语 

A tree-climbing course was opened this school term at Northwest University in Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, to teach students skills that might be helpful in a disaster or emergency situation.


According to the provincial education department's official account at China's micro blogging site Sina Weibo, the university opened the new course to graduate students to not only give them an opportunity to observe a range of ecosystems, but also to promote the development of canopy research.


爬树课程(tree-climbing course),官方学名叫“攀树课程”,是该校“户外运动”(outdoor sports)选修课的一种,主要分为装备使用(equipment use)、野外生存(field survival)、攀登下降(climbing and descending)、绳索技术(rope techniques)、定向技术(directional technology)、急救技能(first-aid skills)六大板块。课程期间需要的装备有:绳子(ropes)、坐带(safety belts)、头盔(helmets)和索扣(cable fasteners)。

