
toxic bachelor 有毒单身汉

分类: 实用英语 

Toxic bachelor is an unmarried man who is selfish, insensitive, and afraid of commitment. 


They also refer to men who remain single past 40. 40 is a race-dependent number. Asians can be considered toxic bachelors if they remain single past 31. 


They can be grouped in following two broad categories: 


1) Those who are always looking for the next best thing, due to some underlying issue that prevents them from forming a long term relationship. 

1) 由于一些潜在的问题使他们总不能形成长期的恋爱关系,他们总在寻找下一位交往对象。

2) The ones who have a Peter Pan complex and just never want to grow up. 

2) 有彼得潘情结,永远不想长大。

