
workweek creep 公私不分

分类: 实用英语 

Workweek creep means: 1) Constant connectivity via your smartphone and computer blurs the boundaries between your work life and your personal life. 2) Constant connectivity at work via e-mail & chat, results in so many interruptions that you cannot get blocks of time to do any thinking, resulting in you catching up on your work at home on nights and weekends.

Workweek creep(译为“公私不分”)有两种意思:其一,表示随时随地通过智能手机和电脑与别人联系导致工作和私人生活的界限完全被打乱;其二,表示工作的时候通过电邮和网聊与别人联络,导致上班时不停被打断、无法有整块的时间专心思考,结果只能晚上或周末在家的时候赶工作。

For example:

This is the third e-mail from my boss this weekend. I'm a victim of workweek creep!


