

分类: 实用英语 

到2021年,英格兰地区每一座大城市、乡镇的店铺、咖啡厅和商户都会免费给路人提供续水服务。推行该计划的行业机构英国水务公司(Water UK)称,此项目每年可以减少数千万一次性塑料瓶的使用。

You won't go thirsty in Bradford on Avon (UK). In this Wiltshire market town, more than 20 businesses will now top up your water bottle for free. From Dean behind the till in the hardware store – to Elly in the independent supermarket. Water on tap whenever you want it.


Gill Holling showed me how to source the free water on a mobile phone app. She signed the town up to the refill scheme which started here in the west of England and is now going nationwide, backed by some leading hotel and pub chains and water companies.

吉尔·豪琳(Gill Holling)向我展示了怎样用手机应用程序来寻找免费续水站的地点。是她替这座小镇报名参与了这项始于英格兰西部而现在在全国迅速普及的续水项目,该项目由顶级酒店、酒吧连锁企业及水务公司资助。

But the body that represents bottled water companies says lots of us still want the convenience of buying it chilled or fizzy.


Refill UK, which started in Bristol, estimates that if everyone in that city alone refilled just one bottle, once a week, it would save more than 20 million plastic bottles in a year.

始于布里斯托的“英国续水计划(Refill UK)”估计,如果这座城市里的每个人每周能续一瓶水的话,那么每年就可以节省两千万个塑料瓶的使用。

