

分类: 实用英语 

“春困”这一现象,在英语中可被译为“spring fatigue”或“spring lethargy”,有时也被称作“spring fever”。

据维基百科解释,“春困”是指与春季来临有关的疲劳、精力下降或抑郁的状态。这种状态也许是对气温升高的正常反应,可能有医学依据,如过敏或 “逆向”季节性情感障碍等。

Spring fatigue, also known as spring lethargy, refers to a state of fatigue, lowered energy, or depression, associated with the onset of spring. Such a state may be caused by a normal reaction to warmer temperatures, or it may have a medical basis, such as allergies or "reverse" seasonal affective disorder.


Although the causes of this springtime lethargy have not yet been fully resolved, hormone balance may play a role. According to this hypothesis, the body's reserves of the "happiness hormone" serotonin, whose production depends on daylight, become exhausted over the winter, making it especially easy for the "sleep hormone" melatonin to have its effect. When the days become longer in springtime, the body readjusts its hormone levels. This changeover puts a heavy strain on the body, which responds with a feeling of tiredness.


Experts say that spring lethargy is a physiological phenomenon involving seasonal and temperature changes and the body’s own regulation. Besides not resting well, spring lethargy could be a warning sign of cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, or diabetes.


In addition, not getting enough sleep, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, and other bad habits, are also linked to cardiovascular diseases. If you engage in any of these habits and notice increased springtime lethargy, it may be a warning sign that you should seek medical help.

