

分类: 实用英语 

AEAP - as early as possible 尽早

ASL - age, sex, location 年龄、性别、所在地

ATM - at the moment 此刻,马上

AFAIK - as far as I know 据我所知

BFF - best friends forever 死党,永远的好朋友

BRB - be right back 很快回来

BTW - by the way 顺便问一句

FWIW - for what it's worth 不管有用与否(用在你给朋友提建议前)

G2G - got to go 要走了

IAC - in any case 无论如何

IDK - I don't know 不知道

IIRC - if I remember correctly 如果我没记错的话

ILU - I love you 我爱你

IMO - in my opinion 在我看来

JK - just kidding 开玩笑,别当真

KOTL - kiss on the lips 亲亲

LOL - laughing out loud 大笑

LMAO - laughing my ass off 笑得从椅子上掉下来

LMIRL - let's meet in real life 咱们见面吧

LMK - let me know 告诉我

LY - love you 爱你

MorF - male or female 男还是女

OMG - Oh my god 天哪

POS - parents over shoulder 父母在旁监视

RIP - rest in peace 愿逝者安息

RU/18 - Are you over 18? 你成年了吗?

SorG - straight or gay 异性恋还是同性恋

TBC - to be continued 未完待续

TBD - to be determined 有待决定

TMI - too much information 你透露的信息过多了(表示你认为对方不该说这些)

TTYL - talk to you later 待会儿聊

TY - thank you 谢谢

WTF - what the f*ck 什么玩意儿

WYCM - Will you call me? 你会给我打电话吗?

