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Not the most elegant way to have breakfast, but the sort of fish soup in a syringe is keeping these grey seal pups alive.


For the next five months, the RSPCA team here at East Winch will be foster parents to these six orphans of Storm Arwen.


It battered swathes of the country over the weekend. Mother seals and their offspring separated by fierce tidal waves.


Evangelos Achilleos, East Winch Wildlife Centre Manager

The mother's milk is substantial, it's all they have and it takes three weeks of them to wean. So for the first three weeks, [it's] very very important for them to be with their mother.

伊万盖洛斯·阿奇里奥斯       东温奇野生动物中心经理


So how did Frida's feeding go earlier on today?


So she's doing really well...


Evangelos and his team look after seals from all over the country, so even more could be heading this way.


Two orphan pups from Yorkshire are due in the next day or so. They will be joining 188 hedgehogs, and other wildlife already here.


And while they look adorable, they have attitude.


Evangelos Achilleos, East Winch Wildlife Centre Manager

As cute as they are, we do need to bear in mind, these are wild animals. We want them to keep that wild instinct, that innate instinct that they have to be away from people because that will allow them to succeed even more so once they've been rehabilitated and reintroduced [back into the wild].

伊万盖洛斯·阿奇里奥斯       东温奇野生动物中心经理


All this care will cost: the food bill alone is 27 pounds per seal per week.

所有的这些护理都有花费:光是食物账单,每只海豹每周就要 27 英镑。

Kiera Dowse, Wildlife Assistant

They don't always know [that] we're trying to help. But as they get bigger and they start to eat the fish, they start to enjoy that a lot more. And that's quite nice to see. And then when you get out the other side, and you release them, and you see them go after months of care, and it's… you know you've done a good job.

凯拉·道丝       野生动物助理


After four months indoors, the orphan seal pups will be allowed outside into a pool like this to continue their rehabilitation. They should be released in the early spring.


Norfolk has England's largest grey seal colony. It's now the height of the pupping season and more winter storms could be on their way.


