
take a turn for the better 柳暗花明又一春

分类: 实用英语 

今天我总算是松了口气! 昨天,我姑姑突然觉得胸口疼、头晕、想吐,结果被送到了急救中心! 还好,医生给她检查完之后,她已经不那么难受了。在放心之余,我还想起了一个习惯用语,那就是:Take a turn for the better.

大家都知道,Turn是“转变”的意思,而better表示“更好”,所以“take a turn for the better”就是说“情况好转”。比如说,我姑姑原本生病,但后来身体逐渐恢复,我就可以说 Her health took a turn for the better.


"After being unemployed for 6 months, I was getting desperate. Nobody seemed to be hiring and my bank account was running low. Then my job search TOOK A TURN FOR THE BETTER. A recruiter called me and managed to set me up with an interview at an accounting firm. Now I'm working again."


这可真是柳暗花明又一村! 找不到工作的确很急人,不过你不要放弃希望,试着联系一下以前的同事,他们可能知道一些雇人的信息。只要找到正确的门路,你得到工作的前景就会take a turn for the better.

俗话说,人生不如意事十之八九。 所以,遇到挫折时千万不要放弃希望,因为生活可能会突然take a turn for the better, 让我们来听听下面这个人的故事:

"I never expected to find myself alone. But two years ago, I lost my wife to cancer. All the joy I had known disappeared. I was lost until a friend introduced me to Carrie a few months ago. Ever since we went on our first date, my life has TAKEN A TURN FOR THE BETTER. I can hardly believe how happy I am thanks to her."


这个人真幸运,迎来了爱情的第二春,他一定和新女友有很多甜蜜的约会。不过,并不是所有约会都是美好的。有一次,我和先生去餐馆吃饭,过结婚周年,开头挺浪漫的,可服务员上菜时一个不留神,把整盘菜扣在了我的新裙子上! 约会彻底砸了! 在这个时候,你就可以说the date take a turn for the worse。 这和take a turn for the better正好相反,指的是情况变差。你还可以说,公司的生意take a turn for the worse,业务一落千丈;或者和某人的恋情take a turn for the worse,感情亮起红灯。

希望你能多练习我们学过的习惯用语,只要坚持,你的英语水平就能take a turn for the better!

