It's no secret that men tend to see younger women as more attractive, but according to a graph based on data from OKCupid dating profiles, wo...
爱思英语编者按:美国一对有爱的小夫妻Brinson和Banks每去到一个地方都要摆同样的接吻造型拍照。他们非常乐在其中,而且决定一直坚持下去。A couple have documented their life together by recreating the same pose across...
A book made of human skin. and 5 other bizarre items owned by American colleges 美国大学居然收藏这些恐怖的东西!人皮做的书都有!University libraries in America have a wide va...
爱思英语编者按:万圣节马上就要到了,美国女漫画家Liz Climo出了一些新作品...
When a pig farmer sued a hot air balloon firm, he needed to prove he wasn’t telling porkies.如果一个养猪的农民想要状告热气球公司,那么他得证明自己不是在胡说八道。Luckily for Dan G...
爱思英语编者按:自控能力到底是天生注定,还是能够通过后天训练而得以提高?也许一个关于棉花糖的实验能告诉我们答案Minds over matter棉花糖实验:自控的秘诀The marshmallow, a white, cottony, sweet confection is synonymous w...
爱思英语编者按:美国buzzfeed网站盘点了世界各地航空公司的飞机餐,你最爱哪一家?Flying is almost always a headache. You have to consider your packing options before you make it to the air...
When you're speeding and get pulled over, there's not much you can do to avoid a ticket. You might as well say something funny to make the off...