1. Wash your hair at least every other day. 至少要每隔一天洗一次头发。A girl loves a boy who smells nice, and cares about his image. Besides, greasy hair is not a ...
24EN Editor's Note:Everybody seems to know how to kiss. The question is: Are you aware of a variety of interesting facts and details about a kiss?...
24EN Editor's Note:A new piece of research suggests that men who have regular features are likely to stay in better mental shape throughout their ...
爱思英语编者按:很多人都有这样的苦恼:明明长得美若天仙,照出来的照片却很一般,除去摄影师的水平以及被摄者的表现力以外,怎样摆pose,也是很关键的事。下面就给大家实战说说怎样摆pose才比较上镜。How to put your best face forward and pose like a mo...
爱思英语编者按:在美国,当总统一定要会搞笑,这是白宫主人的看家本领,否则很难选上,即便选上了日子也不好玩。1960年美国大选期间,共和党候选人、时任副总统的尼克松(Richard Nixon)认真地提出美国总统竞选人在演讲时不应该使用低俗语言(profanity)。在尼克松的一次演讲之后,一位共和党...
1.Women need to cry. And they won't do it alone unless they know you can hear them.女人需要哭泣,并且只有在你能听到时才哭。2.Women especially love a bargain.女人特别喜欢便宜货...
24EN Editor's Note:April Fool’s Day is my second favorite holiday personally because I love pulling pranks on other people, and I’ve n...
南瓜园的初秋,跑进了七只野老鼠,他们正在逃避一只可怕的大猫。他们冲进了层层叠叠的绿色南瓜藤和南瓜叶,上面正结满了又大又圆的南瓜。Early autumn in the pumpkin garden, there came seven wide mice escaping from a big and...
24EN Editor's Note:Learn to appreciate your single status. Here are five things that singles sometimes take for granted.学会珍惜你的单身。以下5件事被认为是单身汉才有资格享...