每个国家都会在车站、机场等公共场所设置厕所,以方便人们使用。然而,据最近公布的数据表明,在英国,去公共厕所 方便” 这件事正变得越来越难,这是因为英国政府已经停止维护多处公厕。When you've got to go, you've got to go. At leas...
交友方式随着科技发展在不断演变。从最初简单的由朋友介绍认识未来伴侣,到现在利用网络软件结识未来配偶。人们交流、交友的渠道越来越广泛。在英国,人们对交友软件已不再陌生。但这些软件到底有多受欢迎?有多少人真的找到了自己的知己?The course of true love never did run s...
刚刚入学的大学生会遇到很多新挑战,尤其是当你初次离开家长,独自生活的时候。其中,最大的挑战就是喂饱自己的肚子了:没有家长的照料,你每天吃什么?你会做什么菜?这些都是需要考虑的问题。Starting at university or college can be a big challenge, es...
很多人会在一年之初给自己制定各类计划和目标,对过去曾犯下的错误进行反省,改过自新。人们每在新年之际为来年制定自我提高计划这个概念从何而来?各个国家有哪些相关的习俗和传统?Happy New Year! For many in the UK, if the New Year means anythin...
1. ACID WASH 酸洗牛仔裤The acid washing process has its roots in 1960s surf culture. According to CRFashionBook, the trend really took off in the 1980s, af...
To an outsider, any culture can seem quirky, confusing, peculiar or just downright bizarre. And the UK's got a thing or two that raises a few eyeb...
Every time a new year rolls around, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that v...
Think of the UK and you'll probably think of London. Picture France and you'll no doubt conjure up images of Paris and its iconic Eiffel Tower...
It's nice to go out for a meal at a restaurant. But what makes it extra special – apart from the food - is to receive attentive service from...
There are around 600,000 vegans in the UK, according to The Vegan Society. That's just over 1% of the population – an amount expected to inc...