1. Makes you feel safe1.安全感2. Completely trusts you2.完全信任你3. Truly appreciates everything you do3.完全感激你做的一切4. Is a good laugh4.好玩有意思5. Says 'I lov...
10 Chinese cities' and provinces' "business cards" may just inspire a trip近日,一名设计师花2年时间为34个省市设计名字的新闻爆红网络,独具特色而又一目了然的社交让网民们赞不绝口。Shi C...
当我们还停留在看脸的世界,花痴地说着你那么好看,说什么都是对的”的时候,日本单身族已经走上了寻找灵魂伴侣”的道路。东京一家婚恋公司日前推出口罩相亲”活动,参与男女必须戴上大号医用口罩,以便了解彼此的内在”,而非只看颜值”。Looks are...
蓝瘦香菇 "blue skinny mushroom" became an internet phenomenon in China almost overnight. It is however not about mushroom. The 蓝瘦香菇" (meani...
There's nothing more frustrating than trying to squeeze into your favourite Levi jeans only to discover they're shrunk in the wash.费尽气力想让自己穿上最...
Cats might no longer be revered in the same way they were in the times of Ancient Egypt, but that doesn't stop them from acting like little furry ...
每月都被人类的脑洞烦扰,心疼搜索引擎一秒钟。We live in an age where if we're unsure of a fact, we can just Google it.我们生活在这样一个年代:有事拿不准,就去找谷歌。And it appears many people ...
Most Americans have heard that they should drink eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated, but there is surprisingly little data to support this ...
What are some Chinese phrases commonly used online? 中国有哪些常用的网络短语?233 means LOL. 233”意思就是大声笑。囧 is a Chinese character which is widely used as an ...