姜饼糕点是西方传统食品,每到大的节日,商场里都少不了它们的身影。今天就教教你怎么做。其实很简单,只要有烤箱,姜饼人就会带着圣诞的喜悦跑到你的餐桌上——Ingredients1/2 cup margarine 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup molasses 1 e...
圣诞节快到了,我们过的圣诞节总没有人家原汁原味的地道。挑选了12种最典型的圣诞节美味蛋糕,即使暂时吃不到,也享享眼福好啦! ...
永远不要限制你的想象力!让小孩子动手给袜子打扮打扮,这个手工制作容量很大,因为不管什么形状的小物件,只要是孩子喜欢的,都可以往上贴——Materials1 yard of felt - Red is the color of choice but there's no...
让天使来到人间,自己动手做个小布娃娃,挂在车上或是房间里,给你的圣诞节增添一点点浪漫的气氛。只要你有这个心思——Materials Fabric of any color or design Two different size circles to trace around...
两块插花用的培植土,捏成个鹿头的形状,再给它安上鼻子眼睛嘴,对啦,还有鹿角——栩栩如生的一个圣诞鹿就做成了!The main ingredients of this is 2 green swags.(greenery clumps). You simply twist th...
这个1英尺高的小雪人一定会给你的圣诞装饰计划添个不小的惊喜。其实做起来也不难,只要胶水粘性够大,再喷点人造雪,它一定能挺过寒冷的冬天——MaterialsThree sizes of bubble ballsTrusty glue gunWhite glueTwo quart...
圣诞节放爆竹是源于英国的古老传统,至今仍深受人们喜爱。它做起来极其简单,造价低廉,而且自己动手也会带给孩子更多的快乐。Materialsa toilet paper (TP) roll, crepe paper, tissue paper or gift wrap ribbon stickers, ...
Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth, but most Christians obs...
本期字谜:Valentine's Day 情人节提示问题:1. This day is named after St. ____ 2. Someone you like a lot. 3. Brown candy made from butter, sugar and cocoa. 4. T...
Success is:At age 4, success is...not peeing your pants. At age 12, success is........having friends. At age 20, success is...........having sex. At a...