译文:谁是那头被叫做鲁道夫的驯鹿?原文:Who is this reindeer named Rudolf?那个长着异常的红色而充满生气的鼻子,能够在浓雾中辨别方向,拉着圣诞老人的雪橇的是谁呢?关于鲁道夫的故事在1939年传出,并且很快就家喻户晓了。圣诞老人们在蒙哥马利·沃德商店分发了...
译文:为什么人们会在圣诞节互赠礼物?原文:Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day?赠送礼物的传统好像起源于智者(东方三贤人) 自东方携礼物去祝贺耶稣降生。在马太的圣经中这样描述,来到房里,他们看到了这个孩子和他的母亲玛利亚。他们...
译文:Christmas为什么要拼写成Xmas原文:Why is Christmas sometimes spelled Xmas?尤其是当与"sale"这个词联系起来根据书中记载,你也许会感到惊讶.........,通过Jeff.Rovin,Christ一词是从希腊文Xrist...
译文:为什么商店与超市对对圣诞节如此重视原文:Why are stores and malls so geared up about this holiday?为什么每个每个超市都布置一个圣诞老人村,?为什么孩子们喜欢坐在圣诞阔老人的膝盖上?这要说到以前,从19世纪后期开始,商店和超市都开始加快周转...
译文:圣诞节为何如此重要? 有两个原因可以说明。 一,据大不列颠百科全书1994”所述,全球55亿人口中有18亿为基督教徒,这令基督教成为世界上最大的宗教。美国的人口总数为281,000,000.而基督教徒的数目却是241,000,000.占总人口的85%。由于基督徒信奉耶稣,因此耶稣的...
Americans get really annoyed when people drive badly, smoke in no-smoking zones, or don't pick up after their dogs, but the rude behavior that bug...
Christmas came early for a gang of Australian thieves who stole 16 tonnes of ham and bacon from a Sydney warehouse and left a festive thank-you note s...
Women in Salzburg will this year again be able to pursue their shopping with abandon over the Christmas period, free from sourpuss boyfriends and husb...
The equivalent of six times the population of Australia, or all of Japan plus five million, are expected to be out shopping in the United States on Fr...
In another blow to the Motor City'starnished image, Detroit of Michigan pushed past St. Louis to become the nation's most dangerous city, acco...