INT. CABINET ROOM - DAY All eyes are on Admiral Anderson's overhead projections. Bobby, restless, gets up, begins pacing. BOBBY What happens if t...
Kenny's right, and the President looks away in frustration. KENNY (CONT'D) I'm your political advisor, and I'm giving you political an...
Nearby, a YOUNG PILOT tinkers with a $300,000 spy camera. YOUNG PILOT Uhhh... yup. Think so. Suddenly, the door opens and a pale DUTY SERGEANT enters....
INT. DUTY OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Ecker lets out a long breath. ECKER I think I understand. What about my men? If it comes up hot and heavy, and we don...
WILHEMY Holy shit! INT. ECKER'S CRUSADER - CONTINUOUS Tracers and flack pepper the air in front of Ecker's Crusader. METAL PINGS, TINKS, RATTL...
THE PRESIDENT In accordance with this afternoon's vote at the OAS, the quarantine shall hereby be effective as of ten o'clock tomorrow morning...
A WHITE HOUSE POLICE OFFICER jumps up as Kenny approaches. POLICE OFFICER Would you like me to call a car, Mr. O'Donnell. Kenny checks his watch. ...
BINOCULAR POV: Of the Soviet Bridge, where their LOOKOUTS are staring right back through their binoculars. INT. SITUATION ROOM - DAY The HISS of stati...
EXT. SOUTH LAWN - DAY Kenny, Bobby and the President make their way across the lawn, out of earshot of the building. BOBBY What happened to speak when...
EXT. WEST WING DRIVEWAY - DAY SUPER: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25TH. DAY 10. The West Wing looms behind Kenny and Bundy. Kenny, poker faced, takes a drag on h...