Yours, Mine & Ours八个孩子的父亲爱上了十个孩子的母亲,大人恩爱甜蜜,小鬼从中捣乱,真爱能战胜一切么?When Frank Beardsley, a widower with eight children, runs into his high school sweethea...
Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireBeset by nightmares, Harry Potter is all too happy to escape his disturbing dreams by attending the Quidditch World...
Chris Brander has it all--money, good looks and a flashy job as an LA music executive. But back in high school in New Jersey in the 1990's, Ch...
The Skeleton KeyA gothic thriller set in New Orleans about a caretaker working with an elderly couple in their haunted home.发生在新奥尔良的惊悚故事,在鬼屋里为一对老夫...
The Legend of ZorroWith a family to consider, the courageous Zorro must now weigh the consequences of his secretive, crime-fighting, swashbuckling lif...
Chicken LittleIt's one year after the “unfortunate acorn incident“ when Chicken Little caused big-time havoc in his hometown of Oakey Oaks by proc...
The Dukes Of HazzardHazzard County boasts some of the most axel-busting back roads, hair-raising moonshine, and best-looking farm girls in all of Geor...
[剧情简介] In Sci-fi thriller Gattaca, set in the not-too-distant future, DNA engineering has made it possible for men and women to be born with a high I&...
Must Love DogSarah (Diane Lane) is a just-divorced pre-school teacher whom seemingly everyone in the world wants to set up on a date, much to her chag...