On A Clear Day弗兰克下岗了,原来在朋友圈里最受尊重,可现在……Frank is a 55-year-old hard-working man, established and respected in his community, who suddenly finds himself ...
一对个性迥异的姐妹——天生会打扮却爱惹是生非的漂亮妹妹,名校毕业勤勤恳恳的姐姐,她们只有高跟鞋的尺寸是一样的——从亲密到反目再到重新团聚到奶奶膝前,妹妹学会了对别人负责任,姐姐学会了……In Her Shoes (2005) Two sisters have nothing in common bu...
根据莎士比亚名剧《第十二夜》改编的轻松爱情喜剧:女扮男装成双胞胎哥哥的“她”爱上了学校里最酷的男生,学校里最漂亮的女生又爱上了女扮男装的“她”,更乱的是,那个旷课逃学的亲哥哥提前回到了学校……She's the Man (2006) It's hard enough being th...
不情不愿地踏上休假之旅的卡特一家——害怕与老丈人独处的女婿,想和朋友们而不是亲人一起度过假期的小女儿,担心宝宝安全的大女儿,爱叨唠的女主人——在荒凉的沙漠中遇上了另一伙饥肠漉漉的“人”……The Hills Have Eyes (2006) It's the wedding annivers...
An unstoppable force of nature, southern matriarch Madea may have finally taken on more than she can chew. She has just been court ordered to be i...
Memoirs of a GeishaBased on the best-selling novel by Arthur Golden, Geisha guides us into this fascinating Japanese subculture. Set in the late ...
春意盎然的月份给你呈现一部冬天的电影:零下58度的南极大陆,行进着这样一群企鹅,它们在冰天雪地里扑扇着翅膀,一摇一摆、一步一滑地走向70英里外寻找梦中情人……The March of the PenguinsThe average temperature in Antarctica is 58 be...
Someone says: The Constant Gardener is not only an intriguing mystery that speaks to the times, but as a genuine love story, it also speaks to your he...
Hustle & Flow点击收听:本片获78届奥斯卡奖的主题曲DJay, a streetwise Memphis hustler tries to find a voice and realize his long-buried dreams. Though DJay has a...