Aries The fiery Ram likes to be scared, perhaps so they can claim they weren't, but that everyone around them was. Favorite films might include Th...
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) : Silent Night(平安夜) TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) : Jingle Bells(铃儿响叮当) GEMINI (May 22-June 21) : Here Comes Santa Claus(圣诞老人来了) ...
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)The rushing Ram will want a quick and entertaining read. Short stories and thrillers suit the turbo-charged Aries. Favorite b...
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)The robust Ram puts their athletic and energetic energy to use in activities like sprinting, high impact aerobics or Tae-Bo.精...
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)Argentina, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Ireland, Luxembourg, San Francisco, Spain 阿根廷、柬埔寨、埃塞俄比亚、危地马拉、爱尔兰、卢森堡、旧金山、西班牙TAURUS ...
Aries starts eating before everyone else has been seated. 大家都还没有就座,白羊座就已经开始吃上了。 Taurus accepts only the finest pieces of white meat. 金牛座只吃最好的那几片鸡胸肉。 G...
ARIES: Aries loves a challenge, so a gift certificate for sky-diving lessons or some other daring endeavor would thrill the Ram.跳伞课或其他刺激运动的听课证会令喜欢挑战的白...
Aries: head, brain, eyes, bones of face 白羊座:头部、脑部、眼部、脸部骨骼 Taurus: neck, throat, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears, tongue, vocal cords 金牛座:颈部、咽部、喉部、下巴、下颌、...
Trick-or-Treating by the SignsAries pushes the others aside to get to the door first.白羊座身先士卒,第一个闯进屋门。Taurus will only eat the finest of Swiss chocola...
Aries 白羊座(急促、热情、渴望)Your kisses are quick and passionate fits of lustful pleasure that are there and then gone. Taurus 金牛座(游移、深沉、持久)Your kisses linger;...