If you were born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 or 2010, you fall under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Tiger.如果你出生在1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,199...
If you were born in 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 or 2009 you fall under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Bull.如果你出生在1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997或...
If you were born in 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 or 2008 you fall under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rat.如果你出生于1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996或2...
爱思英语编者按:伪心理学表面看上去像是心理学,但它预测人类行为的机制既靠不住又没有事实依据。伪心理学有哪些经典案例?为什么人们会相信它们是真的?Psychology: Pseudo-Psychologies - From Planets to Palmsby David A. Gershaw, Ph...
十二星座女生的理想情人之白羊座Aries Forget about someone killing you softly. This man had better be ready to take you, caveman-style.An Aries animus reeks of raw, he...
爱思英语编者按:春节将至,老一辈的人总是在新的一年开始的时候根据生肖算一下自己来年的运气,而年轻人则会针对自己的星座测算新的一年的运程。星座是西方人的传统性格分析学问,教你一些实用的聊星座口语,也许哪天就能用上呢。1. What's your sign?你是什么星座的?2. I don...
Aquarius 水瓶座 (1月21日~2月19日) Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectu...
The Child Of Capricorn...
The Child Of Sagittarius...