Solar 阳历 Lunar 阴历 heaven 天体 These heavenly houses influence life in the following way:At birth the signs and planets are posited in various houses.The...
Zodiac 黄道带 astrology 占星术The second house is the house of wealth.The third house is devoted to relationships between brothers and sisters, neighbors an...
The word "zodiac" means "circle of animals," and the name refers to the means taken by ancient astronomers to identify its various...
Brief Introduction to AstrologyAstrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of...
占星学将星座分成:本位、固定和变动三大特质。这三者与四种自然元素(火象、土象、风象、水象)组合之后,就衍生为十二种星座独有的特质。The three Qualities defined in Astrology are, after the Elements, the second major cl...
黄道十二宫是根据地球南北极连接而成的线为轴心,每二十四小时自转一周而来的。十二宫代表的是所经验的地区、活动领域及演出的场景,每一宫都象征著人生的不同领域,也就是各行星能量散发的地点”。十二宫还与十二星座息息相关,而十二宫的次序也与人生的进化历程密切配合。The Third House i...
古代西方哲学家认为构成自然界的物体并衍生万物的物质是水、火、地、风四大元素。地球依着黄道运行其实就是四大元素的流转变化,因此将黄道12星座分为四类。There are two classifications of the Signs of the Zodiac -- Elements and Qua...
占星学的起源与太阳和月亮有着密切的联系。此外,水星、金星、土星、火星、木星、天王星、海王星、冥王星这些行星也影响着我们的日常生活。这10大行星,是占星学中判断的主干。行星表示你心中力量的核心,换言之,就是心中的欲求。 We look at ten Planets in the study of As...
The First Quadrant, containing the First, Second and Third Houses of the Zodiac, falls in the northern and eastern hemispheres of the chart and is bou...
黄道十二宫是根据地球南北极连接而成的线为轴心,每二十四小时自转一周而来的。十二宫代表的是所经验的地区、活动领域及演出的场景,每一宫都象征著人生的不同领域,也就是各行星能量散发的地点”。十二宫还与十二星座息息相关,而十二宫的次序也与人生的进化历程密切配合。The Fourth House ...