J 字部joint rulership 共同守护关系 在叁个现代行星被发现之前,在占星学上, 日月之外的五个星行都守护两个行星,水星守护双子座和处女座,金星守护金牛座和天秤座,火星守护白羊座和天蝎座,木星守护射手座和双 鱼座,土星守护摩羯座和水瓶座Juno 婚神星[小行星] 为天文学上的叁号小行星,...
E 字部Earth 地球 太阳系的第叁颗行星,是我们所居住的星球earth signs 土象星座 包括金牛座、处女座和摩羯座;在个人占星学中与物质性、稳定、实际的特质有关east point 东方点 地平线与主垂圈在东方的交点eclipse 蚀 全部或局部遮掩住来自一个天体的光ecliptic 黄道...
A 字部abbreviations 缩写 在占星学上常用前两(叁)个英文字母来代 表一些占星学上会用到的术语,本文中以()标示者即是缩写。acceleration 时距加速值 用来修正平太阳时与恒星时的差距,在计算宫位及基本点时必须要用到affliction 受克星体处於不利的位置;通常指与其他星体...
horoscope星座 Zodiac黄道带house宫位 astrology 占星术planet行星 Solar 阳历Lunar阴历 heaven 天体...
horoscope 星座 house 宫位 planet 行星 The first house belongs to the first sign, which is Aries. The second house to Taurus. The third to Gemini, the fourth...
The Ascendant in a horoscope is the sign rising over the horizon at eh exact moment of the native’s birth. The Sun of the native is placed at mid-heav...
When the planets in the rising sign are afflicted, it indicates possible success with life’s ambitions in spite of overwhelming obstacles. This is tru...
It must also be remembered that many well-meaning people have a false conception of themselves, and even when presented with an accurate picture of th...
In the same way that man has his experience in many different “houses,“ so he has many ways of acting, or different “skills,“ with which to meet the n...
爱思英语编者按:无数文学经典造就了无数令人唏嘘的人物,他们出现在虚构的世界里,却像你我身边的朋友一样真实。罗密欧的热烈、达西的傲慢、白瑞德的冷酷,对号入座之后的亲切与陌生,其实都在不知不觉中暗含了不同星座的独有特质。1. 巨蟹座——陌生女人,茨威格《一个陌生女人的来信》一个男...