Venus In Leo...
Venus In Cancer...
Venus In TaurusVenus is very powerful in Taurus. It is the ruler of the sign, and people with Venus is Taurus may expect to find a material atmosphere...
Venus In Gemini...
The love nature of both sexes under this lunation barely exists as such. They are grave, sexless people, with a cool, impersonal chastity that seems t...
People with the moon in Virgo have a very exacting critical influence to deal with in the life. Everything, whether conditions of flesh or spirit, goe...
Venus In Aries...
爱思英语编者按:就像每个星座有着迥异的性格,世界各地每座城市也都有自己独特的气息,那么把两者搭配一下,各种星座的人最适合居住到哪座城市呢?1.Aries白羊座You got: The United States你适合居住在:美国You’re independent, energetic,...
爱思英语编者按:关于星座,你了解多少呢?星座故事:十二星座最不能忍受的事Aries 白羊(Mar. 21- April 20)Yours is the most impatient sign of all, Aries, so naturally, what irritates you most i...