

  • Silly collection 07

    Why do birds fly south in the winter?Because it's too far to walk!What is "out of bounds"?An exhausted kangaroo!Have you ever seen a duc...

  • Silly collection 06

    What is Cheddar Gorge?A large cheese sandwich!What happens when you throw a green stone in the red sea?It gets wet!Why did the woman take a loaf of br...

  • Silly collection 05

    I'd tell you another joke about a pencil.But it doesn't have any point!Why do idiots eat biscuits?Because they're crackers!What was the ga...

  • Silly collection 04

    What do golfers use in China?China tees!What kind of hair do oceans have?Wavy!Why did the child study in the aeroplane?He wanted a higher education!In...

  • Silly collection 03

    What do Scotsmen eat?Tart'n'pie!What is heavier, a full moon or a half moon?The full moon because it's lighter!What town in England makes ...

  • Silly collection 02

    How many balls of string would it take to reach the moon?Just one if it's long enough!What cheese is made backwards?Edam?This match won't ligh...

  • Silly collection 01

    What are prehistoric monsters called when they sleep?A dinosnore!What is the fruitiest lesson?History, because it's full of dates!What language do...

  • Kid's Funnys

    Erica:Why did Tigger stick his head in the toilet????Pokey:I don't have the foggiest idea!Erica:Because he was looking for Pooh!!!!!!...

  • Letter To Dad

    A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then he saw an envelope propped ...

  • Little Boys

    Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of Tampax and proceeded to the checkout counter.The man at the counter asked the older...

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