

  • Trial of the Nuns

    When Nuns are admitted to Heaven they go through a special gate and are expected to make one last confession before they become angels. Several nuns a...

  • Rabbi In A Confession

    A priest was called away for an emergency. Not wanting to leave the confessional unattended, he called his rabbi friend from across the street and ask...

  • All The Same

    A Chinese man and his Jewish friend were walking along one day when the Jewish man whirled and slugged the Chinese man and knocked him down. "Wha...

  • Priest In The Ocean

    There was a priest who was drowning in the ocean. He called out to God for help. All of a sudden, a canoe came and the guy said “Father, let me help y...

  • Relatively

    Einstein climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God. Looking up, he asks the Lord... “God, what does a million years mean to yo...

  • Beggars In Mexico

    Two beggars are sitting on a park bench in Mexico City. One is holding a Cross and one a Star of David. Both are holding hats to collect contributions...

  • Biblical Love

    After a few days on the new Earth, the Lord called to Adam and said, ''It is time for you and Eve to begin the process of populating the earth...

  • Leaving The Convent

    In the convent a young nun went to see the mother superior. "Mother, I want to quit the veil." "But why, my child?" "To becom...

  • Living Longer

    A man went to see his Rabbi and said, "Rabbi, if I give up drinking, partying all night, chasing the opposite sex and start coming to Synagogue r...

  • Knows To Pray

    As the storm raged, the captain realized his ship was sinking fast. He called out, "Anyone here know how to pray?" One man stepped forward. ...

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