

  • 英语笑话:A Guy Walks into a Bar…

    A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, So, why the long face?”A penguin walks into a bar and asks the bartender, Has my father been in he...

  • 英语笑话三则

    A couple of hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to be breathing; his eyes are rolled back in his ...

  • 和食物相关的5则英语笑话

    A family of three tomatoesA family of three tomatoes were walking downtown one day when the little baby tomato started lagging behind. The big father ...

  • Hearing problems

    Seems an elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems for a number of years.He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a s...

  • 50周年结婚纪念日

    A couple goes out to dinner to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. On the way home, she notices a tear in his eye and asks if he's getting s...

  • 英语笑话:逆行的车辆

    As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang.Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I ju...

  • 英语笑话:好消息和坏消息

    The doctor tells his patient: "Well I have good news and bad news..."The patient says, "Lay it on me Doc. What's the bad news?"...

  • 英语笑话 我在开车吗?

    坐在车里的女士发现她们连闯了几个红灯,问开车的女司机,结果女司机却说:哦,我在开车吗?”After a few more minutes they came to another intersection and the light was red again and again the...

  • 英语笑话:你在我班上

    有一位女士去看牙医时发现这位牙医可能是她高中时曾经暗恋的老同学。等见到这位灰白头发的牙医时认为他实在是太老了,然而聊天时牙医去问她--她在他的班上教什么?My name is Alice Smith and I was sitting in the waiting room for my first...

  • 英语笑话:给公交车司机带花生的老奶奶

    An old grandma brings a bus driver a bag of peanuts every day.First the bus driver enjoyed the peanuts but after a week of eating them he asked: "...

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