
Duplex 双层公寓(四)

分类: 影视英语 

Waitress: What can I get you?

Alex: Listen, I got 12 hours to finish this book. I was wondering if I could sit here and write all day.

Waitress: Be my guest.

Alex: Thanks.

Connelly: Nancy. I was going to ring you. I'm afraid there's a bit of problem up here.
Nancy: I have to go on a job interview, so I'II take care of it later.

Connelly: Oh, that's okay. I'II ring the rug man. Good. Knock it in. Knock it in. Good. I don't want to slip and break me neck.

Connelly: No, we wouldn't want that. This is the problem area here. It's loose as a Dublin whore. Oh, go on, knock it in. Yes! Now, just knock it in. Go on, knock. Come on, use some elbow grease.

Nancy: Aah! Okay, I will.

Alex: You threw her down the stairs?

Nancy: No. But I imagined it. And I Liked it. I'm evil. I'm a horrible, horrible person. Thank you.

Alex: Come on, she's practically ruined our lives. It's perfectly natural to have thoughts like that.

Nancy: Really? 

Alex: Yeah. I mean, I've even had a couple.

Connelly: Aaaah!

Nancy: Like what?

Alex: Just, you know, snapping her neck or electrocuting her. You know, just beating her to death, decapitating her, drowning her, bludgeoning her, in a humane way... dicing her up into little, little pieces . But asphyxiating her first, so she didn't feel anything.

Nancy: I'm glad you clarified that. You're evil, too.

Alex: I'm finished. That's what I am. And it was incredible. The last 60 pages just poured out of me.

Nancy: Let's open that really great champagne and celebrate.


1. What can I get you?
看似很简单的句子,不一定大家知道真实的内涵呐!为什么这么说呢!因为在这种情境中,我们一般用的表达方式是:Can I help you? 而真正到了国外之后,我们会惊奇的发现,他们说“What can I get you?”的频率要比“Can I help you?”高很多。

2. Be my guest.
打个比方,一个朋友问你能否把自行车借他一用,你就可以回答说:Be my guest!

3. dice someone up into pieces
在讲这个短语之前,我们先来看一下dice 这个词。作为名词来讲,它的意思是色子。在这个短语中,dice是动词词性,是“把……切成丁”的意思,所以dice someone up into pieces这个短语就是“把……剁了”的意思。比如老板经常让员工加班,这让大家极其苦恼,于是每每要加班时就会说:真想把他给剁了-- I really wanna dice my boss up into pieces. 这样就不用再加了!

4. pour out of
A:pour something out,意思是“倾诉,尽情地说”。例如:如果不开心的话,就把烦恼都说给我听(You can pour all your worries to me!)。
B:本文中的意思指的是一个人的情感,想法等等如长江之水、绵绵不绝地涌现出来。例如:“没想到,那些尖刻的话竟然从我的嘴里说出来”就可以说:Unexpectedly, all the zingers just poured out of me.

