

分类: 影视英语 


Dorian: Aren't you tired of looking at me yet?

Basil: Certainly not. The more I look, the more I see.

Henry: It must be nearly finished, man. It isn't the Sistine Chapel.

Basil: Do you remember when I told you you could sit in if you were quiet?

Henry: I want to see it.

Basil: No, no, no, don't.

Dorian: He won't even let me have a peek.

Henry: Agatha tells me your father was also an artist.

Dorian: Apparently so.

Henry: Kelso must have been delighted, his daughter falling for some penniless painter. No wonder they eloped.

Dorian: I never knew my parents.

Henry: Of course. Typhus is so awful. Your poor mother carried off in childbirth.

Dorian: Do you take such interest in everyone you meet?

Henry: Not everyone I meet is so interesting.

Basil: Henry, why don't you go for a stroll, while I just work up the background?

Henry: You don't need Dorian for that. Let's both take a break.

Basil: Perhaps we should all get some air.

Henry: Yes, and I know just the place.

Basil: Come on, Dorian.

Dorian: Sorry.

Basil: You see why Agatha is so keen to help White chapel? Don't you think we should at least try to make a difference?

Henry: I've no desire to change anything in England, except the weather. Welcome to my little Hellfire Club.

Bartender: Here you are, gents.

Henry: In one.

Basil: No, don't, don't.

Henry: Barkeeper. Again.

Woman: How say you and the handsome young man stuff me double?

Basil: Er, no, thank you. We nonetheless wish you godspeed on your evening's quest for romance.

Man: A little wider, my dear.

Basil: Don't worry. He's a doctor.

Henry: There's no shame in pleasure, Mr Gray. Man just wants to be happy. But society wants him to be good. And when he's good, Man is rarely happy. But when he's happy, he's always good. You do want to be good, don't you, Mr Gray, and happy?

Dorian: Isn't there a price to pay for that sort of business?

Henry: She's quite affordable.

Dorian: But what I was asking was about the effect on...

Woman: Buy a lady a drink?

Henry: On what?

Dorian: Well, on one's soul.

Henry: One's soul? This is my church. With this dram, right now, I nail my soul to the Devil's altar.

Basil: You'll never meet a more eloquent philosopher of pure folly.

Basil: Come on, Dorian. It's time we showed you what we've made.

Dorian: Really?

Henry: The boy hasn't finished his gin. Go and fiddle with your background. We'll be along shortly.

Basil: Your picture awaits you, Dorian.

Henry: Perhaps you should go and speak to her.

Dorian: I didn't realise she...

Henry: Don't be timid. Go.

Dorian: I wouldn't know where to...

Henry: You see, I envy you.

Dorian: Me?

Henry: Everything's possible for you because you have the only two things worth having. Youth and beauty.

Jim: Come on, let's go.

Henry: The moment's lost.

Dorian: That was probably her husband.

Henry: Yes, very sensible. People die of common sense, Dorian, one lost moment at a time. Life is a moment. There is no hereafter. So make it burn always with the hardest flame.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. peek: 一瞥,很快的一看。请看例子:I took a peek at the list.(我扫视了一下单子。)

2. carry off: 致……死亡。从影片中我们知道道林·格雷的母亲是生他时去世的。看一下例子:Pneumonia carried him off last winter.(去年冬天肺炎夺去了他的生命。)

carry off还可以表示“成功(或轻而易举)地处理(或应付)”。例如:It was a daring attempt but he carried it off.(这是个大胆的尝试,不过他不费力地对付过去了。)

3. stroll: 散步;溜达;闲逛。请看例子:Grandpa took a stroll after supper.(爷爷吃过晚饭出去溜达了一阵。)

4. work up: 使完满,使完善。例如:work up one's notes ready for the test(整理笔记复习迎考)。

5. wish you godspeed: 祝你好运。

6. eloquent: 雄辩的,有说服力的。看一下例子:

The speaker made an eloquent appeal for human rights.



Eyes are more eloquent than lips.(眉目传情胜过言语。)

7. fiddle with: 无目的地用手拨弄。影片中亨利让巴兹尔自己先回去摆弄他的画。看一下例子:fiddle with a pencil(用手不停地拨弄铅笔)。

fiddle with还有“胡来,乱动;(对机械等)盲目摆弄”的意思。例如:fiddle with the wires inside a television set(胡乱摆弄电视机内的电线)。

8. be along: 到达。例如:He'll be along at about five.(他将在五点左右来。)

9. hereafter: 死后的生命;来世。

