

分类: 影视英语 


Graham: I can't imagine anyone being a bigger hit with my children.

Amanda: They're really great, Graham.

Graham: Sophie's unfortunately taken on the role as my protector. She's brilliant, but I hate it when she worries about me. And Olivia's gonna be a real ball-buster which, I must admit, I kind of love about her.

Amanda: I'm just trying to figure out why you didn't tell me about them.

Graham: Because I just don't usually tell women about them.

Amanda: But it... It's just a little confusing, because you're the one who wanted to go out to lunch to get to know one another.

Graham: When you put it that way, it sounds awful. I have no defense, except that until I get to know someone really well, it's easier for me to be a normal single guy. Because it's way too complicated to be who I really am. I'm a full-time dad. I'm a working parent. I'm a mother and a father. I'm a guy who reads parenting books and cookbooks before I go to sleep. I spend my weekends buying tutus. I'm learning to sew. I'm Mr. Napkin Head! I'm on some kind of constant overload, and it helps to compartmentalize my life, just till I figure this out. This past weekend, the children were with their grandparents and when they're gone, I get to be somebody who doesn't have hot chocolate spilt on his jeans. I have no idea how to date and be this and I suppose there's the possibility I'm afraid of what another person might do to who we are and how we get from one day to the next.

Amanda: Yeah. I guess since I am leaving in a week, I sort of get you not telling me, sort of.

Graham: I thought it would be hard to introduce them to someone I may never see again.

Amanda: Right. 'Cause I'm just someone you had sex with once and slept with twice.

Graham: Actually, I thought I was just someone you had sex with once and slept with twice.

Amanda: Oh, man. I think we just went way past complicated.

Graham: Right. I'm a book editor from London. You're a beautiful movie trailer maker from L.A. We're worlds apart. I have a cow in the backyard.

Amanda: You have a cow?

Graham: Yeah. I sew and I have a cow. How's that for hard to relate to?

Amanda: Pretty up there.

Graham: Exactly.


Iris: Morning, Jesus.

Jesus: Good morning.

Iris: Santa Anas?

Jesus: Oh, yeah, long time now.

Iris: Hi, Marta.

Marta: Hi, Iris.

Iris: Hi, there. (Coming to the door of Arthur’s house) Hello. Good morning.

Arthur: I counted. Nine movies are opening today. I remember when nine movies would open in a month. Now, a picture has to make a killing the first weekend or they're dead. This is supposed to be conducive to great work?

Iris: Arthur, have you always been this feisty?

Arthur: Well, I may have slowed down a little, but yes. You've got to fight the fight, kid.

Iris: Okay, your mail. Gas company, phone bill and you've got a letter from the Writers Guild of America, West.

Arthur: Are you watching the movies I recommended?

Iris: Yes! Love them. Irene Dunne is fantastic.

Arthur: Gumption.

Iris: Oh, my God, tons of it. Arthur, don't you want to open that letter you just threw in the bin?

Arthur: No. They keep writing me about the same thing.

Iris: But it might be important.

Arthur: It's not. They want to arrange some kind of tribute to me. A night with me. I don't know, it sounds God-awful.

Iris: What are you talking about? That sounds brilliant!

Arthur: Would you like to walk out on a stage, on a walker, looking 100 years old, and see 11 schnooks who showed up just to see you? They can forget it. I ain't falling for this. So now what's up?

Iris: May I? "An Evening with Arthur Abbott. Dear Mr. Abbott, having made several attempts to contact you regarding..."We have not yet received your response. (Clicks tongue) "...be called 'An Evening with Arthur Abbott'..."This special night will be a tribute to your lifetime of achievement "in screenwriting and your outstanding contribution "to the screenwriter's profession. "Congratulations on this much-deserved honor." Arthur, this is a big deal, you know? And they want to do this soon. Listen. I reckon that with a little bit of exercise, you could walk out there on your own. And... You know, maybe I could go with you as, like, your date or something.

Arthur: I would take you proudly, my darling, but I'm not going. Anyway, how would you propose to get me in shape? Seriously.

Iris: Easy.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. be a big hit: 大受欢迎。hit可以表示“成功而风行一时的事物”。例如:The new play is the hit of the season.(这出新戏是本季最叫座的。)

2. ball-buster: 打击男人自信心的要求很高的女人,耗竭男人精力的女人。影片中格拉汉姆指自己的女儿欧利维亚比较难伺候。

3. tutu: 芭蕾舞裙。

4. overload: 超负荷。overload也可以作动词用,意思是“使超载;使负荷过重”或“给……增加负担”。看一下例子:Students were overloaded with facts.(学生头脑里给塞满了太多的具体知识。)

5. compartmentalize: 分隔;隔开;划分。

6. movie trailer: 电影预告片。

7. be worlds apart: (在态度、看法等方面)完全不同,有天壤之别。看一下例子:Their ways of life are worlds apart.(他们的生活方式真是有天壤之别。)

8. make a killing: 大赚一笔。

9. be conducive to: 有利于。例如:Exercise is conducive to good health.(运动有助于健康。)

10. feisty: 坚决而据理力争的。

11. gumption: 勇气;胆力;决心。

12. God-awful: 糟糕透顶的;令人憎恶的。

13. walker: 助行架,助行器。

14. schnook: 愚蠢的人;小人物。

15. fall for: 上当。看一下例子:Many people fell for his tricks.(许多人上了他的当。)

