

分类: 影视英语 


Focker: Welcome, in-laws!

Dina: Oh, Gregor. My goodness.

Focker: Dina, Dina Bobina, Banana Fana Fofina. 

Dina: I'm so happy to see you. 

Focker: Lovely Dina.

Dina: You, too, Gregor.

Focker: Hello, Jack.

Jack: Greg. Everything okay, Greg?

Focker: Everything's great.

Jack: Good.

Focker: Unfortunately, renovations on the house, not quite where I'd like them to be. 

Jack: Well, those things happen.

Focker: They do. I mean, never to me before.

Wife: And Sam here has done very, very well with her tae kwon do lessons. She's a... What are you? A yellow belt now?

Sam: Yep.

Wife: Yellow belt.

Dina: Wow, sweetheart. Very impressive.

Focker: She's lethal. She is a ninja

Jack: Proud of her. Now, Henry, you're going to drink your milk, aren't you? You want to hit the same growth spurt as your sister.

Dina: Jack.

Jack: I'm just saying, you know, it's hard to believe that they're three minutes apart.

Focker: Henry, do what your grandpa says. Aw, man. For real. Good man. Okay. Who wants some turkey?

I do, right here! Right here!

Dina: Sweetheart, you didn't have to make a whole turkey just for us.

Jack: Why not?

Wife: Actually, Greg did it.

Dina: Greg.

Focker: Well, I remember at last year's Thanksgiving, Jack said he liked roast turkey so much and he couldn't understand why people only had it once a year.

Jack: Excellent memory, Greg.

Jack: Plus, it's a wonderfully lean meat. Healthy. Good for your heart.

Dina: Such a sweetheart.

Henry: Grandpa Jack, can I ask you a question?

Jack: You surely can.

Henry: How come you're afraid of lizards?

Jack: Henry, that's a very good question. And I'll tell you why. When I was stationed in the Mekong Delta during the Vietnam War, a tiny gecko crawled into my ear one night and laid its eggs. And I had to endure the torturous probing of our unit's medic to remove the lizard larvae from my ear canal before they hatched into my brain.

Dina: Jack.

Sam: Cool.

Henry: Yuck.

Wife: Yes, thanks for sharing that, Dad.

Focker: All right, gobble, gobble, everybody! It's turkey time!

Wife: That looks good.

Dina: That's a work of art.

Focker: Thank you very much.

Jack: Looks great, Greg.

Focker: Thank you, Jack. And to carve it, I thought we might use the beautiful Irish hunting knife emblazoned with the Byrnes family crest that Jack so thoughtfully brought back for us from his ancestral homeland. Look at that, kids.

Dina: Great.

Focker: Look at that. See that crest? That was used by your ancestors long time ago, back in the olden days, to identify their family.

Henry: Daddy, can I ask you a question?

Focker: Absolutely. He loves history. Just soaks it up.

Henry: Can a girl poop from her vagina?

Focker: No, she cannot.

Dina: They're a little young for genealogy.

Focker: Yes. Just a little off topic there. Jack. Here you go!

Jack: Greg. You're the turkey carver now.

Focker: Thank you. I'm honored. All right. Let's carve the roast beast! Let's see. I think I'll start right side. Nice and tender.

Dina: So, Greg, how are you liking your new job?

Focker: Well, I'll tell you, Dina, it's a lot of responsibility on my plate. But that's kind of what I love about it. I mean, the opportunity to manage an entire unit, in a way, it's kind of like...

Jack: Why couldn't you just get him a warm-blooded animal?

Dina: Pressure.

Sam: Mom!

Wife: Honey. It's okay, it's okay, honey.

Focker: Hello. Hey, Kevin! It's Kevin, everybody. What? Okay.You're in Chicago?

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. those things happen: 总不能尽如人意

2. tae kwon do: 跆拳道

3. yellow belt: 黄带,指的是跆拳道的一个等级

4. lethal: 危害极大的;破坏性极大的,也可以指有效的

例如:They were a lethal partnership, scoring 43 goals between them.(他们是一个有效率团队,共43个球得分。)


deadly: 指能致命或实际已致命的事物,也可指企图致死他人的人。

fatal: 正式用词,强调死亡的不可避免性,多用于指伤或疾病等。

mortal: 语气强,指导致死亡的直接原因。

lethal: 指由于某物本身具有致命的性能。

5. ninja: 忍者,受专门训练充当间谍、刺客的日本武士

6. lean meat: 瘦肉。肥肉就可以称为fat(meat)

7. lizard: 蜥蜴

8. gecko: 壁虎

9. larvae: 幼虫

10. emblazon: (用图案、符号或文字醒目地)装饰

例如: Look, our athletes are marching into the arena! They all look full of vigour in sweat-shirts emblazoned with the name of our school.


11. genealogy: 家谱,宗谱

12. off topic: 题外话,跑题了

13. warm-blooded animal:恒温动物,warm-blooded就是指动物“温血的;恒温的”,相对应的则是cold-blooded(冷血的)。

