

分类: 影视英语 


Annie: Holy shit. Ohh. Valet. Perfect. Sorry. Needs a wash. You have to punch it a few times.

Lillian: Annie!

Annie: Oh, my God! 

Lillian: I know.

Annie: Oh, my God, Lillian. This is your engagement party. Isn't that crazy? It's so beautiful. I can't believe Dougie's boss is a member here.

Lillian: I know, and his parents, too. And Dougie, I guess. Gosh, and me, I guess, too, now. Come on, let's go say hi to the rest of the bridal party! You remember my cousin Rita?

Annie: Rita.

Rita: Annie. I haven't seen you since you graduated high school.

Lillian: She has three kids now.

Rita: Three boys.

Lillian: They're so cute.

Rita: They are cute, but when they reach that age, they are disgusting. They smell, they are sticky, they say things that are horrible, and there is semen all over everything, okay? 

Lillian: Disgusting. 

Rita: I cracked a blanket in half. Do you get where I'm going with that?

Annie: I do.

Rita: I cracked it in half.

Lillian: What? Annie, this is Becca, my friend from work. We are in the trenches together.

Becca: Hey. it's great to meet you.

Annie: Hey, how are you? Nice to meet you.

Becca: This is my husband, Kevin. Hi. "Husband." I like to say it. We are newlyweds.

Annie: Wow. Congratulations.

Becca: Thank you so much. We went on a sweetheart honeymoon.

Annie: Oh. Where did you guys go?

Becca: Disney World.

Kevin: Disney World.

Becca: We finish each ether's sentences. Sorry. Sorry. Is this your husband?

Annie: No, no, no, no, no. I don't know him. I'm sorry.

Man: Do you want to go for a walk later?

Annie: Oh. I can't. All right. I can't. I'm sorry.

Becca: I'm so sorry.

Annie: I'm not with anybody. I'm here solo.

Becca: Let's start it again. I'm Becca. Rewind. This is my husband. You don't have a husband. Sorry.

Lillian: And this is Dougie's sister, Megan.

Megan: Hey.

Annie: Hi.

Lillian: My grandma is not supposed to have wine. I'll be right back.

Annie: Hey. How is it going?

Megan: It's going great. It's going great. I'm on the mend. I just got some pins in my legs. Believe it or not, pins in my legs, I can still do this. Right? I fell off a cruise ship, but I'm back.

Annie: Oh, shit.

Megan: Yeah, "Oh, shit." Yeah, "Oh, shit." Took a hard, hard, violent fall. Kind of pin balled down. Hit a lot of railings, broke a lot of shit. I'm not going to say I survived, I'm going to say I thrived. I met a dolphin down there. And I swear to God, that dolphin looked not at me, but into my soul. Into my goddamn soul, Annie. And he said, "I'm saving you, Megan." Not with his mouth, but he said it, I'm assuming, telepathically. We had a connection that I don't even know if I can... Jesus. Hey, shut my mouth. Look at... Unbelievable. You must be Annie's fella. I'm Megan. It's a pleasure.

Annie: He's not... I'm not... He's not... I'm not with him. Sorry.

Megan: All right. I'm glad he's single, because I'm going to climb that like a tree.

Lillian: Okay. You have to meet Helen. There she is. Helen. Come here! Helen, this is Annie.

Helen: Ohh! There she is. Maid of honor. So lovely to meet Lillian's childhood friend.

Annie: You are so pretty.

Helen: You are so cute! You are so sweet.

Lillian: Helen is married to Dougie's boss, Mr. Harris. Perry.

Helen: Perry. And they are so close now, they are literally joined at the hip. Which is good, because so are we.

Lillian: I know. I'm so glad you guys are finally meeting.

Annie: I know.

Helen: Me, too.

Annie: I know. it's lovely.

Helen: Well, excuse me, I better go check on the hors d'oeuvres. But it was great to finally meet you.

Annie: It's a great party.

Helen: Enjoy. Bye.

Annie: Bye.

Lillian: She's great, isn't she?

Annie: She's awesome.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. valet: 贴身男仆

2. engagement party: 订婚派对。订婚戒指就是engagement ring

3. in the trenches: 这里的意思是“我俩是同一条战壕里的。”

4. newlywed: 新婚夫妇

例如:My newlywed husband said the same thing every morning.(我的新婚丈夫每天早晨都对我说出同样的话。)

5. solo: 单独的

例如:The solo exhibition is the most nerve wrecking for a new artist.(对于一个新艺人来说,单独表演是最令人紧张的时候。)

6. rewind: 倒回,倒带,这里的意思是重说一下。

7. on the mend: 在好转中

例如:She's been very unwell, but she's on the mend now.(她原来病得很重,现在正在康复。)

8. fella: 美式俚语,伙伴,小伙子

例如:Laugh while you can, fella.(看你还能得意到几时!小子。)

9. maid of honor: 伴娘,女傧相

10. hors d'oeuvres: 正餐前的开胃食品

