

分类: 影视英语 


(cheering, applause)

(party chatter)

Girl: Harriet, just say it. You can enjoy smoking, all right?...

Woman: ...No, 'cause you called me.

Katie's brother: My little sister's going to go to medical school. Can you believe this?

Friend: Congratulations, David. You must be so proud.

Katie's mother: Where is the campus?

Katie: It's in the Bronx. It's in the city. And it has one of the best pediatric programs in the country.

Katie's mother: Jim, I always thought you would become the doctor.

Katie's brother: Thank you, Ma. That's nice. I feel much better about my life. (laughs)

Katie's mother: I'm kidding.

Katie: That's real nice, Mom.

Katie's mother: It's all right, Jim.

David: Um, I can't find your jacket. Do you know where you put it?

Katie's mother: Oh, you're not leaving?

Katie: No.

David: Yes. I gotta drive...

Katie's brother: Sit down, David. Come on, what are you drinking?

David: I gotta drive all the way back to the city. So, Katie?

Katie: Uh...what? I...I...I'm not going anywhere. Jim, Jim, sit down.

David: I'm just... I'll go start the car.

Katie: Do whatever you want. I'm not... I'm not leaving yet. (scoffs) What? What is so important that we have to rush home for? What, David?

David: (groans) I'll be waiting in the car. (mutters) "What's so important that we have to rush home for?"

(engine starts)

(engine shuts off)



(glass breaks)

(door slams)

David: Where are you going? Where you going to go? Where you going to live? 'Cause if you leave me, I'm not going to be able to subsidize your lifestyle. Which I don't think that you want. I don't want that. Look, can we just... think about this for a second?

Katie: I've never been closer to anyone and I don't know you at all. (scoffs)


Katie: Maybe I should go stay at my mom's until I sort things out.

Lauren: You're joking, right? Why would you give up everything you've done just because of him? And you're not leaving New York to move back to...Long Island... yuck.

Waitress: Ma'am, I'm sorry. Your card was declined.

Katie: What? I... Try it again.

Waitress: Well, I already did.

Katie: Um...I don't understand. Um...

Waitress: Do you have another card, or cash? It's only $22.75.

Katie: I know how much it is.

Lauren: Here. What the hell are you looking at? Eat your salad.

Katie: I just need enough money to get through school.

Consultant: Look, I'm trying to explain. Your husband is the beneficiary of a number of family trusts, most of which were set up a long time ago.

Katie: I know that.

Consultant: That means that as long as you're married, you can have access to his money, but if you separate, if you divorce him, you won't get any money, because he doesn't have any. Not of his own.

Lauren: Motherfuckers.

Consultant: Regardless, families like the Marks set their assets up this way to protect them from divorces.

Lauren: Motherfuckers!

Consultant: Okay, could you just not...just not do that? These people play hardball. If you want a settlement, you're gonna have to think of a way to motivate them.

(thunder rumbling)

(rubbing chopsticks)

David: How was your day?

Katie: Good.

(rubbing continues)

Katie: I... had lunch with Lauren today.

(rubbing stops)

David: What else did you do today?


Kel: What the hell is that?


Kel's husband: Someone's on the terrace.

Kel: Call the police.

Kel's husband: Oh God. Jesus, Jesus.

(Katie panting)

Kel's husband: What happened? What the hell happened? Kel, call the police.

Katie: No no. No! No no no. No no no...

Kel's husband: Shh-shh, okay. David. Katie's next door with us. She's scared to come home.

David: Mm-hmm. Well, we had a fight. But it's nothing, you know? It's nothing. I mean, it's not nothing, but you can tell her to come home. It's over. Will you tell her to come home, please?

Kel's husband: Actually I think she should stay with us tonight. Just let things cool off between you.

Katie: Thank you.

David: Good night. Thank you.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. pediatric: 小儿科的。

2. sort out: 弄清楚;解决好;恢复正常,整顿好。请看例子:We have to sort things out between us.(我们得把我们之间的事情弄弄清楚。)又如:Don't worry, things will sort themselves out in the end.(别担心,情况最终会恢复正常的。)

3. yuck: 啐!(表示反感、不快的拟声)

4. beneficiary: 受益人。

5. have access to: 可以获得或使用。看一下例句:Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.(只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。)

6. play hardball: 采取强硬方式。hardball的意思是“强硬方式,强硬手段”,也可以作形容词用,表示“强硬的”,例如:field hardball questions in a TV interview(在电视采访中对刁难的问题应答如流)。

7. settlement: 赠与的财产。例如:make a settlement on somebody(赠与某人财产)。

8. terrace: 露台。

