

分类: 影视英语 


It's Friday the 4th of May, an historic day for Britain, a Conservative government led by Mrs. Thatcher is set to lead - Mrs Ghandi in India, but never in the West has there been a woman Prime Minister. The place that she has secured in British history, as... the first woman ever to be invited to form a government. The bonus of one of the most famous addresses in the world, Number 10 Downing Street

Denis: This is it, steady the buffs old girl.

Audience: Good afternoon, Prime Minister.

Mrs Thatcher: I should just like to say... that I take very seriously the trust... the British people placed in me today... and I will work hard every day to live up to that responsibility. And now, I should like to share with you a prayer... of St Francis of Assisi:

"Where there is discord may we bring harmony...Where there is error may we bring truth... Where there is doubt may we bring faith... Where there is despair may we bring hope."

Shoulders back, tummies in! Oh. Thank you, Michael.

Photographer: Two, one.

Mrs Thatcher: I'm perfectly healthy. There's no need for any of this.

Denis: Just let them look under the bonnet, MT. Check everything is hunky dory.

Mrs Thatcher: Really it's becoming quite tiresome.

Denis: What is? -

Mrs Thatcher: You. I was on my own for twenty four years... before I met you and I can manage perfectly well without you now. So will you please go away and stop bothering me.

Doctor: Just look straight at me, straight ahead, that's it. Are you noticing night sweats?

Mrs Thatcher: No.

Doctor: Hallucinations?

Mrs Thatcher: No.

Doctor: Sleep?

Mrs Thatcher: Yes, I sleep. Four, five hours a night.

Doctor: So you wake early?

Mrs Thatcher: And I stay up late. I always have.

Doctor: We just want to keep abreast of it thats all.

Mrs Thatcher: Yes. Of course.

Doctor: Grief is a very natural state.

Mrs Thatcher: My husband has been gone for years. Cancer.

Doctor: Carol says you've decided to let his things go. Probably a good thing.

Mrs Thatcher: Yes. It was my idea. To Oxfam. Perfectly good stuff. People can use these things.

Doctor: Still it must be a bit disorientating. You are bound to be feeling.

Mrs Thatcher: What? What am I 'bound to be feeling'? People don't 'think' any more. They 'feel'. 'How are you feeling?''Oh I don't feel comfortable with that' 'Oh, I'm so sorry but we, the group were feeling...' D'you know, one of the great problems of our age... is that we are governed by people who care... more about feelings than thoughts and ideas. Now thoughts and ideas. That interests me. Ask me what I am thinking-

Doctor: What are you thinking, Margaret?

Mrs Thatcher: Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become. My father always said that. And I think I am fine. But I do so appreciate your kind concern. Oh, do please answer that. It might be someone who needs you.

Susie: I'll give Carol a quick ring, let her know we're back, then I'll put your electric blanket on.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. Number 10 Downing Street: 唐宁街10号,英国首相的官邸和首相的办公室。

2. live up to: 符合,达到预期标准,不辜负希望

You must live up to your promise.(你必须实践自己的诺言。)

3. discord: 不一致,不协调[(+with/from)]

The speaker's opinion discords with the principles of this society.(演讲者的意见与社会的原则不符。)

4. Shoulders back, tummies in: 挺胸,收腹

5. night sweats: 盗汗,医学上将在醒觉状态下出汗,称为“自汗”;将睡眠中出汗,醒后汗自停的现象称之为“盗汗”。

6. hallucinations: 幻觉,幻想

7. stay up late: 熬夜

I am going to stay up late to finish my paper.(为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡。)

8. keep abreast of: 与……齐头并进, 了解……的最新情况

9. Oxfam: (英国)牛津饥荒救济委员会(= Oxford Committee for Famine Relief)

10. disorientate: 使失去方向感, 使神志迷乱

I felt completely disorientated with the jet lag.(我乘长途飞机后因生理节奏失调而感到昏昏沉沉的。)

11. electric blanket: 电热毯

