

分类: 影视英语 


Sara: Oh. Oh, please, God, no. Stop!

Man: Stop?

Sara: Is it over?

Man: The wedding?

Sara: Yeah.

Man: Oh, yeah. It's over, all right. But don't worry. You'll get your present back.

Sara: Excuse me?

Man: They always return the presents. You asked if it was over. The truth is, it never even began.

Sara: What?

Man: Yeah, he called the whole thing off this morning.

Sara: He called it off? That's terrible.

Man: Were you a friend of the bride...or the groom?

Dean: What's up with this weather, huh?

Jonathan: Yeah, what happened to spring?

Dean: So, all right, let's get into it. What kind of pep talk do you want?

Jonathan: What do you got?

Dean: Well, I've got the inspirational, "You can achieve anything you dream about." It's very popular, but not appropriate for this. Of course, there's the "Don't worry. There's more fish in the sea" pap.

Jonathan: No.

Dean: Uh, we can always fall back on the classic, "When God shuts a door, he opens a window."

Jonathan: How about telling me I did the right thing?

Dean: I don't have to tell you. I wrote it.

Jonathan: What's this?

Dean: It's your obituary.

Jonathan: Nice.

Dean: Turns out I had writer's block penning your best man speech, and that's what ended up coming out. Blame it on the day job. 20, right?

Seller: Thanks.

Jonathan: You going to see Courtney?

Dean: Absolutely. I needed this. You know, the Greeks didn't write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: "Did he have passion?" How do I look?

Jonathan: Like a jackass. Good luck, man.

Dean: Thank you.

DEAN: Jonathan Trager, prominent television producer for ESPN, died last night from complications of losing his soul mate and his fiancée. He was 35 years old and soft-spoken and obsessive. Trager never looked the part of a hopeless romantic. But in the final days of his life, he revealed an unknown side of his psyche. This hidden quasi-Jungian persona surfaced during the Agatha Christie-like pursuit for his long-reputed soul mate, a woman whom he only spent a few precious hours with. Sadly, the protracted search ended late Saturday night in complete and utter failure. Yet even in certain defeat, the courageous Trager secretly clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather it's a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. Asked about the loss of his dear friend, Dean Kansky, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and executive editor of the New York Times, described Jonathan as a changed man in the last days of his life. "Things were clearer for him," Kansky noted. Ultimately, Jonathan concluded in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call fatum, what we currently refer to...as destiny.

Eve: So what are you gonna do?

Sara: I don't know. I guess I'm just gonna try and find him or something.

Eve: Oh, you know what? I don't think you should do that. I really don't.

Sara: Well, what do you think I should do?

Eve: I think you should just be here. I feel it. I feel it in the air.

Sara: Eve, what's happened to you? You've become your own worst nightmare right there.

Eve: Bye. But please put a jacket on. It's freezing out here.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. call off: 取消

He has called off the trip.(他已取消了这次行程。)

2. pep talk: 鼓舞士气的讲话

The coach gave his team a pep talk at half time.(教练在半场时候给球员们打气。)

3. There's more fish in the sea: 这里的意思是:天涯何处无芳草。

4. fall back on: 求助于,依赖,转而依靠

When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you can fall back on.(必要时,最保险的办法就是凭直觉判断。)

5. writer's block: (使作家不能进行写作的)作者心理阻滞,写作障碍

He had writer's block; the words wouldn't come.(他出现了创作障碍;头脑中空空如也。)

6. soft-spoken: 说话温和的,善于言辞的; 细声细气

He was a gentle, soft-spoken intelligent man.(他是一个温文尔雅、语调轻柔、头脑聪明的人。)

7. protracted: 拖延的; 延长的

After protracted negotiations, Ogden got the deal he wanted.(经过长时间的谈判,奥格登得到了他想要的那笔生意。)

8. tapestry: 挂毯; 绣帷; 织锦

