

分类: 影视英语 

"This is incredible!" Rapunzel said as she and Flynn walked deeper into the forest. But then she remembered how her mother would feel if she knew she'd disobeyed her. Rapunzel shook her head. "Mother would be so furious." She looked at Flynn and said, "But it's okay. I mean, what she doesn't know won't kill her, right?" Flynn just shrugged and nodded.

Rapunzel knelt down to look at some leaves and mud on the forest floor. Everything was new and beautiful to her. She'd never seen anything like it.

"This is so fun!" she said to Flynn.

Rapunzel climbed a tree, and ran through a field of flowers. Then she saw a hill. A big, grassy hill. It looked ... fun! She threw herself on her back and rolled down the hill, filled with delight. She wrapped her hair around a branch and swung through the air, hollering, "Best! Day! Ever!"

Finally, remembering Mother Gothel again, she slumped against a boulder and sobbed.

Flynn sat down next to her. "You know," he said gently, "I can't help but notice ... you seem a little at war with yourself here."

"What?" Rapunzel asked feebly.

Flynn moved closer, trying to seem gentle. He had an idea. He would play on Rapunzel's guilt to force her to take him back to the tower, where he could retrieve his satchel and go on with his life!

"I'm just picking up bits and pieces," he said to her softly, in a sugary-sweet voice. "Overprotective mother. Forbidden road trip. I mean, this is serious stuff. But let me ease your conscience: this is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure, that's good! Healthy, even!"

"You think?" Rapunzel perked up a little.

"I know!" Flynn said confidently. "You're way overthinking this. Trust me. Does your mother deserve it? No. Would this break her heart and crush her soul? Of course. But you've just got to do it!"

"She would be heartbroken," Rapunzel concluded.

Flynn tried to look as distressed as Rapunzel. He had her wrapped around his little finger! He said as gently as he could, helping her to her feet, "Oh, bother. All right, I can't believe I'm saying this, but — I'm letting you out of the deal."

"What?" Rapunzel said. She knew she probably should go back to Mother Gothel, but she liked it outside. Nobody had hurt her. Maybe Mother Gothel had just been wrong about some things.

Flynn started to lead her back toward the tower. "Don't thank me," he was saying. "Let's just get you home. I get back my satchel, you get back a mother-daughter relationship based on mutual trust, and voilà! — we part ways as unlikely friends."

Rapunzel pulled herself together. She wasn't ready to go back to the tower. "No. No," she said firmly. "I'm seeing those lanterns."

"Oh, c'mon!" Flynn whined. "What is it going to take for me to get my satchel back?"

Just then, something rustled through the bushes. "What is it?" Rapunzel asked, terrified. "Is it ruffians? Thugs? Have they come for me?" She leaped behind Flynn for protection.

A fuzzy rabbit jumped out of the bushes. Rapunzel blushed. Okay, now, that was a little embarrassing. She wondered if Flynn noticed that she had overreacted a bit.

"Probably be best if we avoid ruffians and thugs?" Flynn asked.

Rapunzel agreed, "That'd probably be best."

Flynn suddenly had an idea. "Are you hungry?" he said with a devious smile, still determined to scare her back to the tower — and his precious satchel with the crown. "I know a great place for lunch."

"Where?" Rapunzel asked.

"Oh, don't worry," Flynn told her, grinning. "You'll know it when you smell it."









“我只是从各种细节中看出的。”他轻轻地对她说,声音柔和悦耳,“保护过度的母亲,禁止出远门。我的意思是,这是严肃的事。我来让你轻松些: 这是成长的一部分。一点点叛逆,一点点冒险,挺好的!甚至很健康!”
















