

分类: 影视英语 

The next day as Spot and Arlo continued on, they heard the low rumble of thunder in the distance. They could see the river and Clawtooth Mountain just up around the bend. "It's so close," said Arlo. "We're almost there, Spot." Arlo yelled with excitement and Spot joined in with a howl. After so much action, it felt great to laugh and howl together—just for fun.

But then... "Arrooowah!" Someone howled back!

Spot began looking around for the source of the noise. Almost immediately, he and Arlo saw a human figure on the ridge ahead.

Intrigued, Spot jumped down from Arlo's back and began to investigate. Arlo watched as Spot moved away from him, approaching the human. The possibility that Spot could leave him crept into Arlo's thoughts and made him extremely uncomfortable. He and Spot had been through a lot together and Arlo liked having him around. The idea of being without Spot was just too much for Arlo to take. So, when the human started to move down the ridge, Arlo quickly scooped Spot up and put him on his back. "We need to get home," Arlo said, moving back toward the river.

Arlo and Spot moved off the trail and above the tree line, heading up the river. Soon the wind started whipping through the trees and the sounds of thunder came closer. The storm was picking up.



Arlo eyed the sky, feeling the drops of rain. The big, gray storm clouds seemed to swell before his eyes. Lightning pulsed all around him and as the rain poured down, Arlo's feet began to sink into the soft mud. Once again, he was reminded of the day he had been in the wilderness with Poppa. All of Arlo's terrible fears rushed back to him and he began to crumble. "I can't," he said, panicking.

He tried to get his bearings and looked up for some kind of help. Instead, he saw what looked like a shark fin, cutting through the storm clouds. First there was one, then another, and another… they were circling—just like sharks who are about to attack.

Another flash of lightning lit up the sky and Arlo could see that the shark fins were actually large wings—the Pterodactyls were back.

They laughed and hissed cruelly as Arlo panicked. The dinosaur lost sight of them for a second, and before he could even think of what to do next, they swooped down, diving and beating Arlo, their talons and wings in his face. The Pterodactyls scratched and pecked, forcing him up a ridge. Arlo screamed, running backward as they attacked, pushing him to the very edge! With nowhere to run, Arlo stood as the Pterodactyls continued to strike, scratching him and beating his face with their giant wings. Spot growled and barked defensively, trying to protect Arlo.


Thunderclap swooped down and picked up Spot in his talons! Arlo grabbed onto Spot, too. The enemies struggled, tugging Spot in both directions.

"No!" Arlo screamed through clenched teeth. Spot reached for Arlo, but couldn't get to him. "Spot! Spot!" Arlo cried as he lost his grip. But it was no use. Arlo helplessly watched as Thunderclap carried Spot away.

The other Pterodactyls turned their attention to Arlo. He dodged and ducked, but the ground below him was squishy and soft from the fresh rain. Arlo tried to stay standing, but he lost his footing and slid off the ridge. He landed in the sharp, tangled brambles below. He tried to wrestle his way out, but every time he moved, the brambles seemed to tighten around him. He was stuck. The Pterodactyls tried to get to him, but they weren't able to get through the thick, thorny shrub.

Finally, the other Pterodactyls gave up on Arlo, and headed toward Thunderclap and Spot. Arlo struggled, trying to keep eyes on Spot and yelling out his name. But the brambles held him back, tightening around him like thorny chains. A large bramble was tangled around his neck and Arlo watched helplessly as the Pterodactyls took Spot away, disappearing into the storm clouds.

Thunder boomed as the storm continued to get worse. "Help me," Arlo cried weakly. Then he gave one last pull at the brambles. A big piece of rock came loose, hitting him on the head. Everything went black.









他努力弄清自己的位置,抬起头去寻求一些帮助。然而,他看到了像鲨鱼鳍一样的东西正穿过风暴云。一开始只有一只,接着一只接一只……他们围成一个圈——就像正要发起攻击的鲨 鱼群。





“不!”阿乐咬紧牙关大叫道。小不点向阿乐伸出手去,但还是够不到到阿乐。“小不点!小不点!”小不点被夺走的那一刻,阿乐大喊道。却已无济于事。他只能无助地看着雷霆将小不点 带走。




