

分类: 影视英语 

As Gopher exited the room, EVE rushed to an air lock. She squeezed herself in and, with the push of a button, hurled herself into space.

Inside the escape pod, a terrified WALL · E was plastered against the rear wall. When the computer reported that the pod had reached cruising speed, WALL · E and the plant dropped to the floor.

"You may now turn on all electrical devices," the computer said.

WALL · E tried to get his bearings. He looked out the hatch and saw the Axiom getting smaller and smaller in the distance.

He made his way to the pilot's seat and pulled back hard on the lever. Nothing happened. Frantically, he pushed all the buttons on the console at the same time.

Lights flashed. Oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling. The windshield wipers activated, and missiles deployed from the sides of the ship.

WALL · E kept pushing buttons. Then he hit the wrong one—the self-destruct button. "Pod will self-destruct in ten seconds," the computer said calmly. "You are now free to move about the cabin. Ten, nine, eight ..."

WALL · E panicked. Desperately looking around for an escape, he saw a fire extinguisher and an emergency exit lever on the hatch. Hoping for the best, he grabbed the fire extinguisher and yanked the lever hard. Instantly, he was sucked into space as the pod exploded in a ball of fire beneath him.

EVE saw the escape pod blow up in the distance.

"WALL · E," she moaned, stunned. She had only meant to send the little robot home, not disintegrate him!

Suddenly, WALL · E whooshed by her. He was alive! Propelled by the fire extinguisher, he was heading right back toward the Axiom.

EVE turned and caught up to him.

Proudly, WALL · E opened his chest compartment and showed EVE the plant. He had saved it! EVE was delighted. She leaned toward WALL · E and a spark of energy—a robot kiss— passed between their heads.

Soon they were flying, side by side, making figure eights in perfect unison.

Inside the ship, Mary was staring out the window. She saw WALL · E and EVE dancing among the silver-white stars. "Oooh!" the human said excitedly.

Just then, John's hover chair drifted by. Mary reached out and turned off the electronics on John's armrest. He blinked and looked around.

"Hey!" Mary shouted at him. "Hey, look!"

She pointed to the window. "Look at that!" she hollered, startling John.

"Wha—!" He looked all around him. "Huh?"

Confused without his electronics, John glanced at Mary, and then out the ship's window, which displayed a glorious view of the galaxy. Like Mary, he immediately saw WALL · E and EVE gliding through space, as if they were dancing on the stars.

"Oooh!" John exclaimed in awe. He recognized that little bot.

Both Mary and John drew closer to the window to watch. After the moment had passed, John reached down to his armrest to turn his electronics back on. But Mary's hand was still there. The two hands touched. John turned to Mary, and their eyes actually met.

"Hi," John said, and smiled.

"Hi," Mary answered, smiling, too.














很快,他们就肩并肩、步调一致地画着八字形翱翔于太 空中。











