

分类: 影视英语 

1. His plans to become the first koala bear in space were suddenly toast. 他希望成为第一个进入太空的考拉的梦想突然消失了。(toast: 被剥夺地位的)

2. They say their paychecks bounced. 他们说他们没拿到工钱。

3. Sorry, I get carried away. 对不起,我有点忘乎所以了。

4. Show them you ain't gonna be pushed around! 让他们看看你不是好欺负的!

5. Listen, Norman, I know it's short notice, but I could really use some help with the kids tomorrow. 听我说,诺曼,我知道有点急,但明天很需要你照顾下孩子们。

6. Now you only get one shot to blow that audience away. 你只有一次机会镇住观众们。

7. Ah, talked some sense into that boyfriend of yours? 啊,做通你男朋友的工作了?

8. It's melting my eyes. 辣眼睛。

9. She's loaded. 她相当有钱。

10. We're through! 我们结束了!

11. Come on, baby, let's cut some rug. 走吧,宝贝,我们去跳舞。

12. The part where you fall flat on your face, hoho, that cracks me up every time. 你摔了个狗啃泥那一段,哈哈,每次都让我笑崩。

13. We are set for life now, boys! 我们一辈子衣食无忧了,伙计们。

14. At least we're all in one piece. 至少我们都没事。

15. Some say he's a walking disaster. A loose cannon. 有人说他是个扫帚星。是个祸害。

16. But she's gonna chase those blues away with a song of her very own. 但是她将用一首自己写的歌赶走所有的不愉快。

